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Author(s): Richard Coles, Derek McDowell, Mark J. Kirwan

Year: 2003

The protection and preservation of a product, the launch of new products or re-launch of existing products, perception of added-value to products or services, and cost reduction in the supply chain are all objectives of food packaging. Taking into consideration the requirements specific to different products, how can one package successfully meet all of these goals?Food Packaging Technology provides a contemporary overview of food processing and packaging technologies. Covering the wide range of issues you face when developing innovative food packaging, the book includes:Food packaging strategy, design, and developmentFood biodeterioation and methods of preservationPackaged product quality and shelf lifeLogistical packaging for food marketing systemsPackaging materials and processesThe battle rages over which type of container should be used for which application. It is therefore necessary to consider which materials, or combination of materials and processes will best serve the market and enhance brand value. Food Packaging Technology gives you the tools to determine which form of packaging will meet your business goals without compromising the safety of your product.