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Research in Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting,

Author(s): COPLEY

Series: Research in Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting

Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Year: 2004


''Research in Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting'' is the only academic journal dedicated exclusively to governmental and nonprofit accounting and reporting issues. The purpose of ''Research in Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting'' is to stimulate and report high-quality research on a wide range of governmental and nonprofit accounting topics. Articles appearing in ''Volume 11'' deal with the traditional areas of bond pricing, public sector audit quality and the use of accounting information in evaluating private not-for-profit organizations. Outside of these traditional areas of research, ''Volume 11'' contains a comparative analysis of U.S. and U.K. government reporting and studies examining performance measurement and reporting by public school systems. Articles appearing in ''Research in Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting'' are unsolicited and subject to anonymous review.