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Author(s): Brian Overland

Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional, Year: 2017

Praise for this book,Python Without Fear"This is really a great book. I wish I'd had it when I was learning Python."-John M. Wargo, author ofApache Cordova 4 ProgrammingPraise for the previous book in the series,C++ Without Fear"I'm in love with your C++ Without Fear book. It keeps me awake for hours during the night. Thanks to you, I got most of the idea in just a few hours."-Laura Viral, graduate physics student at CERN and Istanbul, Turkey
"It's hard to tell where I began and ended with your book. I felt like I woke up and literally knew how to write C++ code. I can't overstate the confidence you gave me."- Danny Grady, senior programmer/analyst at a Fortune 500 Company.