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Author(s): Antonello Lobianco

Publisher: Apress, Year: 2019

This quick Julia programming language guide is a condensed code and syntax reference to the Julia 1.x programming language, updated with the latest features of the Julia APIs, libraries, and packages. It presents the essential Julia syntax in a well-organized format that can be used as a handy reference.
This book provides an introduction that reveals basic Julia structures and syntax; discusses data types, control flow, functions, input/output, exceptions, metaprogramming, performance, and more. Additionally, you'll learn to interface Julia with other programming languages such as R for statistics or Python. You will learn how to use Julia packages for data analysis, numerical optimization and symbolic computation, and how to disseminate your results in dynamic documents or interactive web pages.
In this book, the focus is on providing important information as quickly as possible. It is packed with useful information and is a must-have for any Julia programmer.