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Author(s): Tobias Petry

Year: 2022

The Database Cookbook For Developers

You don't know SQL. Aside from basic CRUD statements, you haven't used any advanced database features. This free ebook will share many recipes to make development faster by using a lot of stuff you probably never heard of.

Your database knowledge is outdated

Your Tech Stack has changed dramatically in the past 20 years: Some technologies are now state-of-the-art, and some have been invented and are obsolete meanwhile. But you still use the same simple database concepts as many years ago. Every technology progresses, but databases don't invent anything new? Isn't that strange?

There have been countless improvements, but you don't know of them. When using ORM (Object-relational Mapping), most developers lose touch with database improvements as they are hidden from them. And that's good as you don't have to know every nifty detail. But when you know a little more about modern database features, you develop faster by relying on many fascinating features.

An evening is enough to attain more knowledge

Telling you that a single evening is enough to make you a database wizard is a lie. But you don't have to become one. You can take a shortcut by only learning essential features for developers. And this is exactly what this book is designed for.

This book is designed as a cookbook with many small independent recipes. Each one teaches you simple tips & tricks you can add to your application in a very short time. You should be able to read it thoroughly in a single evening and on the next day you can discuss those improvements with your colleagues. This is a whole different experience from all the books you bought but never had the time to read.