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Author(s): Dan Boneh (auth.), Tsuyoshi Takagi, Tatsuaki Okamoto, Eiji Okamoto, Takeshi Okamoto (eds.)

Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4575 : Security and Cryptology

Pairing-based cryptography is at the very leading edge of the current wave in computer cryptography.

As anyone in the sector will know, this is a massively important field of endeavor, as computer crime becomes ever more sophisticated and companies providing goods on the internet are required to be ever more inventive in counteracting it.

All of which makes this book all the more relevant, being as it is the refereed proceedings of the First International Conference on Pairing-Based Cryptography, Pairing 2007, held in Tokyo, Japan in 2007.

The 18 revised full papers presented together with 2 abstracts and 3 full papers of invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 86 submissions.

The papers are organized in topical sections on applications, certificateless public key encryption, hyperelliptic curves, implementation, cryptographic protocols, cryptanalysis, and cryptographic algorithms.

This publication, of more than 400 pages, also includes online files along with regular updates.