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Robert Kiyosaki has built a legacy around simplifying complex and often-confusing subjects like money and investing. He continues to challenge conventional wisdom and asks the questions that will help readers sift through today's information overload to use truth and facts as a foundation for taking control of their financial lives. Robert pulls no punches in his assessment of what is passed off as 'fact' or conventional wisdom and believes that a strong foundation -- for anything we want to build -- needs to start with solid, true information. In today's uncertain times, creating a secure financial future and the peace of mind that comes with it starts with taking action and taking control.

Every day we are bombarded with news reports and information and opinions. How do we decipher fact from fiction? How do we differentiate between truth and lies? And determine what's real...from what isn't? Robert believes that it starts with education: financial education designed to make us smarter with our money and better able to fight what's fake and use what isn't to secure our financial future.