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Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft SQL Server 7 in 21 Days

Author(s): Richard Waymire, Rick Sawtell

Publisher: Sams, Year: 1998

This book is really not too bad to help someone learn about SQL Server 7. The only criticism I have is that the chapters seem to be out of order. The first week of this 3 week book is made up of security concepts like logins and permissions. I would hope that someone learning SQL Server would first want to learn about data types and data retrieval (which comes in the 2nd week). Views, stored procedures, and triggers are in week 3.

The logical order to me is: week one - data types and data retrieval, week two - views, stored procedures, and triggers and week three - login security and permissions.

I think the book would be much better if the security information was saved for the last week.